National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Albany Branch
This Scholarship is sponsored by the Albany Branch of the NAACP. The scholarship is available to an outstanding high school senior of African ancestry attending an accredited high school, and at the time of application, a) has a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or greater on a scale of 4.0, and (b). majoring in medicine or another field of science.
The amount of the scholarship award is $2,000 and will be awarded to a recipient to be used toward the purchase of books and/or college tuition and fees. The NAACP Scholarship is a direct investment in the future of a Capital Region youth seeking educational achievement, advancement, and success. This scholarship reflects the guiding principles the NAACP believes should be instilled in our youth, which is to educate our minds to elevate our people.
Eligibility Requirements:
Grade Point Average (GPA) of a minimum of 3.0; an official transcript must be submitted.
Must be currently enrolled in an accredited High School or in an accredited program of higher education.
Must submit a copy of their resume or a biographical sketch.
Must have two (2) letters of recommendation: one from a member of their community, and one from the academic institution they attend (e.g., advisor, teacher, department chair, director, internship, academic mentor, etc.)
Must complete the Biographical Essay responding to the three questions listed below.
Must be a member of the Albany Branch of the NAACP. (www.naacpalbanyny.org)
Submission Deadline:
Your application form, essay, and all other requested information must be submitted and postmarked by Friday June 14th, 2024.
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us at 518-275-0673 or albanyNAACP1@gmail.com.
Return application to:
Albany NAACP
P.O. Box 38205
Albany, N.Y. 12203